Friday, November 16, 2007

Monday Monday Monday

So can we decide what we're doing next week?


Anonymous said...

i personally would like to have class. I have so many questions and pratical conerns about teachng next semester that I really don't feel as prepared as I would like to, and I don't think talking about anymore pedagogy is helping me. Then again, Jillian and I are presenting on the readings on monday, and that is more pedagogy, so whatever. Maybe I can present all my pratical concerns here on the blog, and we can talk about those, because I have a feeling other people are feeling it too. So I guess either way it is have class and discuss philosophies or go to the confrence thing and discuss philosophies. Whatever is helpful for everyone else, I will work with.

The only thing is that if we decide to not have class, then I would appreciate it if someone could post where and when we need to be in the other place. I am in Pittsburgh this weekend and will be driving back on Monday morning, so I need to know exactly what time to leave.

Thanks all--Have a great weekend.

becca johnson said...

Hey, guys.

I’m all for having class if we could use the hour to brainstorm ideas and talk about what we need to have accomplished by the end of the term.

I had made plans since I thought we weren’t having class (according to the syllabus), but I’m willing to change things if that's what we all decide. I decided it was about time for me to go visit my people, so I have about a 5-6 hr drive at some point. But, I probably won’t leave until Thursday anyway. So an extra hour or two in Kent won’t really make a difference, I guess.

Laurin, I’m worried about the practicals and specifics too. I’m sure we’re not the only ones.

Ashley Howard said...

I have mixed feelings. I wanted to have the syllabus revising session, but I also made plans to go home on Wednesday.

Perhaps we could do some kind of pedagogical discussion on the blog like Laurin suggested. We could bounce ideas off of each other about our syllabi and get answers to the questions we have. Maybe we could even use Vista, and upload drafts of our syllabi to get peer comments.

What do you guys think?

Bob Mackey said...

Maybe I'm mistaken, but I thought Monday was the day in question. Where is our professor when we need her?

becca johnson said...

Oh—we’re talking about Monday?! I thought Wednesday was the issue, since we technically should go to before noon classes.


I don’t know… I don’t care…

I don’t have a solid syllabus, so I guess having a syllabus workshop in 2-4 days isn’t going to help me. I don’t see how we can write a syllabus when we don’t know what classes we’re teaching or when we’re teaching them. I’m still working on picking readings—where do we find good textbook contacts?!

Bob Mackey said...

I thought the issue was about whether or not we would be going to some teaching workshop or having class this Monday. Now I'm confused and possibly angry. Can someone tell me what the heck is going on?

Also, what's up with Wednesday?

becca johnson said...

Bob, I’m really not sure and I could be totally wrong, but here’s what I thought:

I thought we had decided to have class Monday, after you initiated a discussion about the class being a bit behind. Then we were all wondering about Wednesday, and when we could have a syllabus workshop. Pam had mentioned something about—possibly—having class Wednesday, pushing up the readings, and having a syllabus workshop towards the end of the term. I think by the end of class we said we would talk about it next week. To me, this meant that we would decide about Wednesday when we met on Monday.

I don’t know… I’m all confused.
I emailed Pam, so maybe she’ll clear it up for us. I’ll let you know.

Anonymous said...

okay-so the way i understood it was if we decide to have class on wed then we move everything on the syllabus up one day, and at the end of the term, we meet at pam's house to have a syllabus workshop. don't be fooled, the syllabus workshop is not going to be on wed if we have class.

so we are meeting on monday in the regular classroom?

Anonymous said...


I agree that we sould have some discussion on the blog, but as far as putting on syllabus on Vista, that is one of my concerns. I have no idea how to use Vista, and I know I am not the only one. I have no draft of a syllabus yet, and don't plan on having one soon. I am still not sure if the text I want to teach is going to work. I have no idea how to plan a course period, so this syllabus is stressing me out.


As far as good contacts for obtaining texts goes, I am at a loss as well. I am in the same boat with you, without any oars.

Mel Barrett said...

yeah, i got the impression we're having "regular" class tomorrow.

as for wednesday, i opened that can of worms and guess what? i can't even go to class if we call it back on because i'm on a crazy work schedule for my other job over the holidays that cannot be altered. so i should have just kept my big fat face shut.

i'll see you tomorrow?

Ashley Howard said...

Yeah. We definitely have class tommorow in Satterfield. The day in question is Wednesday. In light of the fact it was written out of the syllabus, I don't think it can be mandatory.

Maybe we should leave it as it is and discuss our teaching questions on the blog and at Pam's house party.

What do you guys think?

becca johnson said...

That works for me. I think most of us made plans since the day wasn’t on the syllabus.

Jamie said...

We'll be fine. I'll see everyone tomorrow and then not for another week.